Malaysia Satellite Internet Access, Unlimited High Speed Broadband

We are Specialist For Malaysia Satellite Internet Access.

Malaysia Satellite/Satelit Internet, Unlimited High Speed Broadband

For Commercial, Plantation/Mining Sites, Forest/Jungle Resort, Rural Area, Solar Farm, etc..

Cheapest Plan 100Mbps from RM2XX Monthly, No Contract

Equipment from RM3XXX + Installation from RM2XXX depends on area.

Available almost anywhere on Earth !

Do you have business in a rural area such as plantation/mining sites & have slow internet?

If you live in a rural or semi-regional area and struggle to get a strong & fast internet connection or don't have internet access, then this Satellite Internet is for you. SAT delivers high-speed internet across the globe.

The satellites are closer to the earth than other satellite services, the signals should take less time to reach them. This in turn should give you a faster connection.

The latest satellite internet service uses thousands of satellites that orbit much closer to Earth.

These satellites cover the entire globe and they're less than 350 miles away. That means faster speeds, more consistent connections, and the ability to use the internet the way you need to.

In short, if you've always wished that your internet was faster, more reliable, more stable, and just plain better than it is today, this is the right choice for you.

Advanced Rural Internet Connection Solution.

The benefits of SAT can be best seen by the improvements to the internet in low population density areas.

Areas without access to 4G/5G/Unifi/Maxis/Time/Allo/Fiber, or who have limited access, will see immediate benefits from the great internet connection provided when linking up with the SAT network.

SAT provides high-speed, low latency broadband internet across the Globe.



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